Jeremy Pierce, Vice President of E-Commerce Operations at Fusion Worldwide, has been instrumental in the company’s venture into digital transformation.
In the semiconductor industry, maintaining the highest quality control standards is paramount. With the industry evolving and the demand for semiconductors surging, product integrity and reliability have become increasingly critical. The open market — known for its speed, variety, and flexibility — is vital in meeting these demands by providing access to a diverse range of suppliers and components.
Supply has been chasing demand for quite some time now across multiple commodity groups, and this isn’t expected to let up anytime soon. Production lines are anticipated to be saturated in Q2.
Fusion Worldwide President Tobey Gonnerman appeared as a guest on an episode of SupplyChain Talk – a talk show featuring industry experts who discuss the latest supply chain news.
There is a dim outlook for markets in Q4 as shortages continue, causing manufacturers to focus production on growing markets and higher-value components.
Global demand for cryptocurrencies is on the rise and a new wave of cryptomania has been triggered by major institutional investors joining the market.
As we move throughout Q2, we will see the impacts of unpredictable disruptions unfold as we deal with additional raw material shortages on the horizon.
Shortages have continued to worsen due to demand growth in various sectors like 5G, automotive and IoT, ongoing raw material shortages and catastrophes.